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Not sure where to start: Taser abuse?

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kansasblue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-23-05 12:51 PM
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Not sure where to start: Taser abuse?
Not sure where to start: Houston Texas July 17th I'm getting second hand reports of a new taser incident that happened on Sunday evening, July 17th in Houston. My friend tells me police were called to the scene of a car accident where a crowd had gathered to help. The allegation are that the english-only speaking police officers asked, then ordered the spanish-only speaking crowd to disperse. The people assisting at the accident didn't understand and the police began to yell and began to get rough with some women in the crowd. A women was forced to the ground, knelt on, several tasered, one struck on the face. A man who attempted to film the alleged abuse was pursued in to his house and tasered twice. Seven people were arrested and some are still being held. These are just good people that came out of their house to assist at an accident only to be tangled up with police that didn't have anyone that could speak spanish.

This occurred at 182 E Riverwood on Sunday evening. Can anyone get some local info on the event? Doesn't Houston have spanish speaking officers? Is there any thing in the news? Can someone get a police report? Is DU the right place for this?

I'm told the police are driving by the house regularly now in what the locals assume are attempts to discourage them from filing any law suits about the event. Any history on taser in the city? Any help will be great!
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-23-05 12:58 PM
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1. I just did a quick search of the Houston Chronicle
using taser + July 17 and there were no news stories about this.
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