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July 26 Patriot Act Protest Rally in 4 Colorado cities

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intheflow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-23-05 05:25 PM
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July 26 Patriot Act Protest Rally in 4 Colorado cities
Join Colorado Progressive Coalistion at Upcoming Rallies to Protest the USA Patriot Act

July 26 Events in Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, & Greeley

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Please join CPC in supporting local rallies to send a strong message to Colorado's Members of Congress: It's time to reform the USA Patriot Act and bring it back in line with the Constitution and Bill of Rights!

We encourage you to join us in attending rallies in your area that the ACLU of Colorado is leading for Tuesday, July 26th. CPC strongly endorses this effort and the rallies - in Colorado Springs, Denver, Boulder and Greeley - will call on Congress to reform the USA Patriot Act.

As you may know, many sections of the sweeping Patriot Act law need proper checks and balances to protect our constitutional freedoms. Unfortunately, the chance to do that may be lost forever when Congress votes soon on whether to make permanent and expand the Patriot Act. That's why it's essential for us to act now to make our voices heard.

Here are the details on the local rallies:

DENVER: Tuesday, July 26th ~ 11:30 A.M.
Where: 16th Street Mall (16th & Tremont)

Rally Info: We will meet at the Republic Plaza on the 16th Street Mall at 11:30 am and march over to the Capitol for a rally at noon. Rally signs, buttons and stickers will be provided for marchers.

COLORADO SPRINGS: Tuesday, July 26th ~ 12:00 Noon
Where: Penrose Library Downtown, 20 North Cascade Avenue (N. Cascade & Kiowa)

Rally Info: Rally signs, buttons and stickers will be provided for participants.

BOULDER: Tuesday, July 26th ~ 12:00 Noon
Where: Central Park (Broadway and Canyon Blvd.)

Rally Info: Rally will be held at bandstand in Central park. Rally signs, buttons and stickers will be provided for participants.

GREELEY: Tuesday, July 26th ~ 12:00 Noon
Where: Weld County Court House, 900 9th Avenue (corner of 9th St & 9th Ave.)

Rally Info: Rally signs, buttons and stickers will be provided for participants.


CPC thanks the ACLU of Colorado for information contained in this alert.

Colorado Progressive Coalition • 1420 Ogden St. Ste. 107, Denver, CO 80218
Tel: 303-866-0908• Fax: 303-832-6416 • Email:• Web:
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intheflow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 03:23 PM
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1. Kick because this event is tomorrow.
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