I suggest:
1) An immediate Letter to the Editor campaign
2) If you post about it online, be sure to "google-bomb" with SpreadingSantorum.com
3) Poison the well for his contributors.
Two major Santorum contributors are:
a) Wal-Mart b) Outback Steakhouse
You guys here already have some great success going after Wal-Mart.
I would like to suggest combining an Anti-Wal-Mart campaign with an Anti-Santorum campaign.
The targeted audience will be Wal-Mart consumers. The desired result is to get them to stop shopping at Wal-Mart. We can reach them by using Freeway Blogging, handing out leaflets, putting fliers on windshields, and standing in front of stores with signs.
We could use existing anti-Wal-Mart fliers and include information about why Rick Santorum is evil, and why that's just one more reason not to shop at Wal-Mart.
Similarly, we could do the same sort of thing simultaneously with Outback Steakhouse.
The fliers could lead with the headlines:
Outback Steakhouse is Spreading Santorum and Wal-Mart is Spreading Santorum
We need not actually explain the "Santorum-as-a-Substance" connection, but if the protest gets picked-up by the media, then the media will do that for us.
Of course, some people going to Outback will know exactly what the "Spreading Santorum" protest signs mean. I don't know how hungry they'll feel.
Similarly, if we want to picket the heavily Republican Wendy's Restaurant chain, we could use signs that have pictures of bloody fingers on them.