Subj: Crucial Vote on Useless Star Wars Missiles
Date: 07/25/2005 2:50:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time
If They Don't Work, Don't Buy More of Them!
Dear "cloudy", The Pentagon has already bought 30 "interceptor" missiles that don't work. Click here to stop the administration from wasting tax dollars on more of these lemons.
Under the cover of the war on terrorism, President Bush wants to spend billions of dollars on the "Star Wars" missile system. It was a bad idea when the project started two decades ago, and it's never worked yet.
Could it ever work? Nobody knows. What we do know is we've already bought 30 "interceptor" missiles and in the last two tests they couldn't even get off the ground, much less hit an incoming target. Now the Pentagon wants to buy more of these lemons.
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) has introduced an amendment to cut the money for the extra missiles and spend it instead on nuclear nonproliferation programs. These are the kinds of proven programs that keep nuclear weapons out of our enemies' hands in the first place.
Tell your senators you agree with Senator Levin and that they should too. To urge them to back his amendment, you can just click "Reply" and then "Send" in your e-mail program. Better yet, to add your own words to the message, click here: If you aren't yet a TrueMajority member, you can still send the message: Then please take a moment to forward this to anyone you think might want to really help protect our nation from a nuclear attack.
Watching Washington for you,
Darcy Scott Martin
Background on Star Wars:
America's taxpayers have already sunk $130 billion into this program (more than we have spent on cancer research), with nothing to show for it. Thomas Christie, director of the Pentagon's testing office, has admitted to Congress that there is no way to determine whether the system will work.
To learn more about Star Wars, go to To see how the money spent on Star Wars could be invested in human needs programs in your community, go to ---------------------------------
Here's a sample of the message we'll send to your senators (be sure to customize it with your own words by clicking here).
Dear (we'll insert your senator's name here):
The budget deficit is out of control, the war in Iraq is worsening, and critical humanitarian programs are being cut. Nonetheless, President Bush wants buy more "Star Wars" missiles before the 30 we already have even work.
Please support Sen. Levin's amendment to the defense authorization bill, which would drop the funding for those extra untested missiles and spend the money on nonproliferation programs. That will really make our nation safer.
(we'll add your name and address here)
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