from the national journal - subscription only
# Yes: Bachus, Barton, Bass, Beauprez, Biggert, Blunt, Boehner, Bonilla, Bono, Bradley, Brady, Burton, Calvert, Cannon, Cantor, Carter, Castle, Chocola, Cole, Conaway, Cox, G. Davis, T. Davis, DeLay, L. Diaz-Balart, M. Diaz-Balart, Doolittle, Drake, Dreier, English, Ferguson, Flake, Fortenberry, Frelinghuysen, Goodlatte, Granger, Harris, Hart, Hastert, Hastings, Hayworth, Hensarling, Herger, Hulshof, Hyde, Inglis, N. Johnson, S. Johnson, T. Johnson, Keller, Kennedy, P. King, S. King, Kirk, Kline, Knollenberg, Kolbe, LaHood, Latham, R. Lewis, Linder, Lungren, Marchant, McCaul, McCrery, McKeon, Moran, Myrick, Neugebauer, Northup, Nussle, Oxley, Pence, Pitts, Porter, Pryce, Radanovich, Ramstad, Reichert, M. Rogers (Ala.), M. Rogers (Mich.), Ros-Lehtinen, Ryan, Ryun, Sessions, Shaw, Shays, Sherwood, Shimkus, L. Smith, Souder, Sullivan, Thomas, Tiahrt, Weller, Westmoreland, Wicker and H. Wilson. (98) # Leaning Yes: Akin, Barrett, R. Bishop, Boozman, Brown, Chabot, Culberson, Cunningham, Dent, Gilchrest, Gingrey, Gohmert, Istook, Kingston, Leach, J. Lewis, Lucas, Pearce, Peterson, Platts, Poe, Price, Putnam, Schwarz, Shadegg, Shuster and Terry. (27) # No: Boustany, Cubin, Foxx, Goode, Hayes, Hunter, Jones, LaTourette, McHenry, Norwood, Otter, Paul, Rehberg, Simpson, Tancredo Taylor, and J. Wilson. (17) # Leaning No: Aderholt, Bonner, Brown-Waite, Coble, Foley, Gutknecht, McCotter and Simmons. (8) # Undecided: Bartlett, Bilirakis, Blackburn, Boehlert, Burgess, Camp, Capito, Crenshaw, Deal, Duncan, Ehlers, Emerson, Everett, Feeney, Fitzpatrick, Forbes, Franks, Gerlach, Gibbons, Gillmor, Graves, Green, Hefley, Hobson, Hoekstra, Kuhl, Mack, McHugh, McMorris, G. Miller, J. Miller, Murphy, Musgrave, Ney, Osborne, Petri, Pickering, Rohrabacher, Saxton, Sensenbrenner, C. Miller, Sodrel, Sweeney, Upton, Walden, Walsh, Wamp, C. Weldon, D. Weldon, Whitfield, C.W. Young and D. Young. (52) # Declined to answer: Buyer, Garrett, Issa, Nunes, Regula, Tiberi, Turner and Wolf. (8) # No Response by Presstime: Alexander, Baker, J. Davis, Fossella, Gallegly, Hall, Hostettler, Jenkins, Jindal, Kelly, LoBiondo, Manzullo, Mica, Pombo, Renzi, Reynolds, Hal Rogers, Royce, C. Smith, Stearns and Thornberry. (21)
This is dated yesterday.
Call the undecideds first and say NO CAFTA!