And most of what I send are the numerous e-mail "actions" that I get from the countless organizations I subscribe to, though I do make it a point to personalize the letter if I'm conversant enough with the subject, which is increasingly often. I receive both e-mail and snail mail replies from my senators and, especially, from my Freeper congressman. I have a whole pile of envelopes that are from him. He is actually pretty progressive on subjects such as the environment, but I received one from him today, on the possibility of pulling our troops from Iraq (no doubt in response to one of the numerous "actions" I took part in on behalf of Cindy Sheehan) that made my blood run cold. He went on about terrorism and how Iraq violated U.N. sanctions, the whole republican party diatribe. But I already knew that he was on the Homeland Security Committee.:-(
Anyway, my point is that they really do pay attention and I've never had a problem with sending too many, though I do try to space them out. And while I heard that they give less credence to e-mail than they do to faxes, and more to personal written letters and the most to phone calls, I've gotten consistent responses, most of them addressing the specific issue that I e-mailed them about, from all of my representatives. I do believe that they're paying attention. Whether they agree is an entirely different matter.:shrug: