ACTON - A showdown at a local supermarket July 22 has residents debating issues usually reserved for such protest-prone cities as Boston and Washington D.C. What are the finer points of demonstration etiquette and what may be said and done in public space and on private property?
The scene was set early Friday morning, when members of a local chapter of Civic Action, a nationwide network of politically progressive citizens, had set up in front of Roche Brothers Supermarket. The protesters were carrying signs and fliers criticizing President George Bush's nomination of John Roberts for the Supreme Court. Initially the group had actively engaged the market's customers, but at the request of the store's management they stopped doing so and stood quietly with their signs, speaking only to customers who approached them.
"During the afternoon we got some phone calls from customers complaining about what their message was," said David Ordway, the store manager. "We asked the group to move on." <snip>
Ordway said the store does allow local political candidates to campaign and gather signatures in front of the store. <snip>