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Help Defeat Maine's Homophobic Hate ballot initiative

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Douglas Carpenter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 07:10 AM
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Help Defeat Maine's Homophobic Hate ballot initiative

to help fight this effort by the rightwing extremist--see this website:

see the link below for this story on Yahoo News

'Thu Jul 28, 8:07 PM ET

AUGUSTA, Maine - Voters will decide in November whether to repeal Maine's newly enacted gay rights law, the state's chief elections officer said Thursday after qualifying the measure for the ballot"

snip: "As passed by the Legislature earlier this year, the law would protect people from discrimination in employment, housing, education, public accommodations and credit based on their sexual orientation. Twice before, Maine voters have rejected similar legislation."

snip: ""We all knew this was going to happen," said Jesse Connolly, operations director for Maine Won't Discriminate. Connolly said his group has been organizing for the vote since late last year, and is now actively canvassing voters, organizing fund-raising and building alliances."

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