Congresswoman Bean:
While I am not in your district, or even your state, I cannot help but comment on your vote to pass CAFTA and the Bankruptcy bill.
In these days of government of, by, and for the neocon radical right, those of us who voted for Democrats have the strange, and offbeat opinion that those Democrats should vote for the best interests of their constituents. Your votes on both of these issues were against the interests of those who voted for you; one will take away their jobs, and the other is intended to force them debt slavery to huge corporations.
This may not be the best way to guarantee your re-election. I have seen commentary about your votes on these issues on several politically oriented web sites. These commentaries are almost universally negative. You are probably already aware that in all likelyhood you will face a primary opponent for the '06 election, a well financed and labor backed opponent.
I realize that, once in D.C., one falls under the siren spell of the lobbyists who, like potential lovers, promise to be loyal forever and promise riches beyond imagining. But you should be aware that lobbyists, like lovers, can be fickle. Spurn their wants once and their largesse dries up. At that point all you have to count on is the loyalty of your constituents. If you have already dumped them, your political life is over.
I don't know if you are aware of this, but there is a large amount of anger among the Democrat grass roots at the way some Democrat representatives have taken the 'republican lite' views of the Democratic Leadership Council to heart. If I may be so forward as to predict the future, one of these days real soon the DLC will find they are talking to nothing but air, and maybe some shaky republicans. I would not tie my wagon to their snake-hiss reasoning.
In closing let me just remind you that the ancient Greeks defined Political Corruption as putting the benefits of special intersts above the benefits to the general public.
'Nuff said.