Below are some upcoming Democratic activities and events that might be of interest to you ... Wed., August 3, 2005 7:00 pm DFA MeetUp North County 1360 Emerson; Palo Alto, CA 94301, North County Wed., August 3, 2005 7:00 pm DFA MeetUp South County 2302 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95131, South County
Monthly Dean for America Meetups- first Wednesday of the month, Wed., August 3, 5:30pm to 8:00 pm - Dorothy Fadiman's newest film-in-progress "WHO KIDNAPPED MY VOTE?" Washington United Youth Center, 921 S. First Street,San jose,CA. Co-Sponsors: Democratic Activists for Women Now (DAWN), Moorpark Democratic Club, Silicon Valley Asian Pacific American Democratic Club, CDP, Northern California API Caucus
Dorothy will show excerpts from her upcoming documentary, which explores a spectrum of Election 2004 voting "irregularities", with an in-depth look at "vote switching". In some precincts, particularly in OHIO and FLORIDA, people voted for one candidate on a touch screen, and another candidate's name lit up. More information: (408) 772-2825
Thursday, August 4, 2005 7:00 p.m.SC County Central Committee Meeting - County Building Cafeteria, 70 W Hedding St, San Jose, Central San Jose. All Democrats welcome. August 5-7, 2005 11:00am Voter Registration Volunteers Needed for Santa Clara County Fair County Fair, 344 Tully Rd, San Jose, Central San Jose
Staff our Democratic Party booth at the Santa Clara County Fair, 11:00am-7:00pm, www.thefair.org. The booth is inside. Admission is FREE, however parking is $8, so carpool or take public transit. For more info, contact voter-reg@sccdp.org, or call 408-445-9500.
August 7, 2005 1:00pm 25th Annual Zoe Lofgren BBQ History Park, 1650 Senter Road, San Jose., Central San Jose
25th Annual Zoe Lofgren BBQ, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Food served from 1:30 to 3:00 $1,000 - sponsor, $400 Table of Ten, $40 Individual Ticket, Kids under 13 are free. Food is prepared by the firefighters of Santa Clara County. Complimentary Beer, Wine, Soda, Juice, and Water. Guests should use the Phelan Street entrance and parking. Parking is $6 per vehicle. For more information or to RSVP please call (408) 271-1953 or e-mail Vicki@LofgrenForCongress.com
August 13-14, 2005 12:00 noon - 8 p.m. Voter Registration Volunteers Needed for San Jose Jazz Festival Downtown San Jose (Plaza de Cesar Chavez), Central San Jose
Volunteer at our voter registration table at the SJ Jazz Festival, www.sanjosejazz.org/festival. ose events. This free Festival brings more than 80 traditional jazz, blues, salsa , and latin jazz acts to downtown San Jose across 4 days. Festival Headliners: Rene Marie Eddie Palmieri The Bad Plus Poncho Sanchez and the Latin Band Bettye LaVette Karrin Allyson Louie Bellson Ernestine Anderson Soulive Jason Moran & The Bandwagon . To volunteer for tabling, contact voter-reg@sccdp.org, or call 408-445-9500.
Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 12 noon to 5 pm - Santa Clara County Democratic Club Annual Summer Barbeque, Vasona Lake Park (Creekside Picnic Area), Los Gatos Party starts at noon. Lunch at 1 pm. Office holders and candidates invited to speak at 2 pm. Special menu celebrating the diversity of Santa Clara Valley. $25/person. $5/car parking fee. RSVP by Aug. 23 (send check made out to SCCDC to Herb Engstrom, 5974 Friar Way, San Jose, CA 95129. More details: www.democraticclub-scc.org