more than ever we need to unite together and show the world that America is NOT happy with what Bush is doing - not with the war, not with the hijacking of our federal benches and definately NOT with this sneaky-ass behind-our-backs appointment of John Bolton to the UN.
DU (unofficially) will be having a major get together that weekend. A chance not only to have our voices heard, but to also meet other DUers from all over joining the protest.
Myself, Brainshrub and others are organizing events for the entire weekend including a Friday night pre-protest party, pre-protest breakfast, meetup and march together for the protest and of course, a post-protest gathering. My link below will have more details about some of the events whether you'll be there for the entire weekend or just coming in for the day. Come join other DUers and march together as we make our voices heard.
You can also check out the
D.C. forum to find out more information about the activies and even find lodging, roommates, rides etc. Also check the
UPJ website to find rides to DC. (YOu can also checkout at International Answer for transportation).
I'm sure that there will also be across the country so if you can't make it to DC try and find a local event and help make your voices heard. The last major protest they wanted to have events spread across the country, but this time they are looking to have one massive movement on DC - so the more that can make it the better
Hope to see you there. PM me if you have questions