as paragons of the theory that you cannot compromise with others. I see the religious right as heirs to the moral certitude of the slaveholders.
We did nothing as a nation to interfere with the Holocaust until Hitler declared war on us. Not even Pearl Harbor caused us to intervene with Hitler's genocide.
Remember it is B* that used the the "Saddam committed genocide" argument as part of his justification for invading Iraq.
I can imagine many situations in which "Compromise goes hand in hand with violence" is true. Knowing when and what to compromise is the question.
Should those that oppose abortion as murder compromise? I don't think so, but they cross the line when resorting to violence.
Should those of us who support a woman's right to choose compromise? Absolutely not in my opinion but should we become violent if the new Supreme Court overturns that right? No.
Both sides can afford to compromise in the short term without giving up as long as we have an electoral system with integrity that allows for fair and honest debate.
Which leads us to where I agree that no compromise can be entertained. Compromise in the face of this administrations dismantling of our system of checks and balances through secrecy, packing the courts with political hacks, election fraud, etc., is not an option. If not checked, violence would be inevitable.