St Paul...Labor Day...Jim Hightower,,Granny D, Greg Palast....
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Mon Sep-01-03 10:47 AM
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St Paul...Labor Day...Jim Hightower,,Granny D, Greg Palast.... |
...and more. Harriet Island in St Paul, MN. Noon to 5PM. Union picnic with music, progressive speakers and more. Free Admission.
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Mon Sep-01-03 10:54 AM
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but my wife intends to go. Her Dad is active in the Painters and Tapers union, he always works the pop stand inside the main building there.
Do you know where there is a schedule of events? She wants to tape Hightower's and others' speeches for me.
This year they are charging a nominal amount for food and pop. It had been free in the past. This always draws very large crowds and the parking is not the greatest around Harriet Island but a little walk never bothered me.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:48 AM
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