Dear Cindy,
We are writing you today, the 31st anniversary of the resignation of Richard Nixon, to express our support for you as you seek answers from the president on his cllous attitudetowards the lives of your son and the many other sons and daughters lost to our country based on his lies.
While we are not there with you in person, wa are in spirit. You are a true American Patriot who is peaceably assembling to petetion the government for a redress of a grievance. You are also exercising rights held by the people that are not enumerated in the Constitution.
When they declare you to be a "threat to National Security", you may point out that you are exercising your First and Ninth Amendment rights.
We applaud and stand by you. We also challenge the administration to explain why, in the midst of their shrill bellows to "Support the Troops", they continue to cut the pay and benefits for they and their families while the vice-president's "former" company continues to take record profits from Iraqi fields where precious blood has been spilled.
Sincerely, ChicaAzul & MarianJack
Of course, we pu our real names on the letter, so the Secret Service will have no trouble finding us when its time for us to be relocated to the re-education camp in Idaho or thereabouts.