None of my well over fifty letters emailed to the NY Times, indeed over fifty short and easily printable letters during that time, unlike this one, every have any chance of seeing print. So I just use the forum to say things the way I like, and send it around, tho not for publication:
To the editor: Radio talk show host Martha Zoller has the gall to slyly insinuate, pursuant to a Republican talking point, that given the presumably more positive tone of Cindy Sheehan's comments made in June 2004 about her meeting with President George W. Bush, she is somehow reneging by being so persistently critical now.
First, as far as I am aware, no one has seriously questioned the fact veracity of her account of her meeting with the President, although there has been ample opportunity and reason to do so, if her account was in any way inaccurate. Second, there are many possible inputs to the attitude of a mother who has lost her son to a war she considers to be a travesty. Although I cannot possibly purport to stand in Ms. Sheehan's shoes, let alone speak for her, at least two possibilities, not mutually exclusive, come to mind:
On one hand, a person desperately seeking reassurance can sometimes take, at least at first, the showcase expressions of concern from those in power, only to be disappointed when these turn out to be the mere empty rhetoric that they always were. On the other hand, a mother who has lost her son could only feel, in a deep and personal way, the meaning of the revelations in the Downing Street Memos I and II, in a way the rest of us can only imagine. The jury- rigged case for the war may be a subject for blase commentators inside the beltway to note with little surprise or emotion, but to someone in Ms. Sheehan's position, could by themselves be sufficient basis for even the volte-face those like Ms. Zoller only merely insinuate.
There is a particular anger that I feel when people use their expressions -- or possibly protestations -- of humanitarian sentiment in certain instances as a backboard to justify, overtly or covertly, their disdain for such sentiment in others. The driving force for such dichotomies, as here, is typically simply political agenda -- with the moral hypocrisy stinking to the heavens, and often beyond.
////////////// (aka "Cloudy") ///////////// Springfield MA 01108
Earlier today I posted a handwritten letter of support to Cindy Sheehan, as part of the Democratic Underground's "Action Corps", a group of over 1000 cyber- activists at Democratic Underground.com. We have such actions on a regular basis.