This letter was printed in today's paper......
WAAAH - WAAAH - WAAAH Senators Bill Frist and Lamar Alexander recently came to the aid of the Boy Scouts of America in their struggle with the uncivil Union-ACLU who are hassling the BSA with million dollar lawsuits for using the term, "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and suing them for using State and Federal lands for camp sites. Hopefully now the BSA won't be hassled as much. Just maybe they won't be bothered for helping little old ladies cross the street.
The many letters to the editor crying and complaining the blues reminds me of a scene from Hee Haw where four grown men are setting on a couch wailing their blues away over a hound dog that just wouldn't hunt or a milk cow that had dried up or the loss of the only mule he owned, or another whose hens had all quit laying, remember? OOH! Gloom, despair, and agony on me, deep despair, excessive misery! If it wasn't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all. OOH! Gloom, despair and agony on me. WAAAH, WAAAH, WAAAH, WAAAH
How is this response (and grammatical errors or corrections appreciated):
Your first paragraph discusses the Boy Scouts of America and the ACLU. Your second paragraph complains about people "crying and complaining the blues" (your words) and goes on to describe a comic routine from Hee Haw. I'm confused. I haven't seen a letter to the editor that complains about Boy Scouts helping little old ladies cross the street as your letter implies. Forgive me if I've missed it, however. And, please, carry on, nice Boy Scouts.
I can only guess that you are responding to recent letters discussing current events even though you don't address any of the current events I've seen in the letters section lately. If so, I must take issue with your form of debate. I've been taught that debate is an exchange of facts representing dissenting viewpoints without personal attacks or name calling.
For instance, recent letters have addressed the huge deficit, high gas prices, heath care costs, the Downing Street Memo, Medicare, Social Security, job losses, and war, just to name a few. The Bush administration has had huge negative effects on each of these issues.
I remember much "crying and complaining the blues," as you say, during the Clinton years. Were you among that group? However, when he left the White House, these issues where in better shape than when he entered office. Bush will leave much debt and chaos to many future generations to come. At least Halliburton has seen record profits.
Why shouldn't concerned adult citizens be able to discuss these issues without personal attacks and name calling? If you see me "crying and complaining the blues," it's because personal attacks are so uncalled for. These tactics are not a good example for our children. It takes very little research to simply deride those with differing views. It's much harder to search out the facts and know the truth, but it's worth it to do so.
If you want to have a name-calling, insult-throwing contest, I concede. You win. If you'd like to debate current events, I'm all ears and have listed many valid issues of concern.
Thank you, {my name}