Your posts are invaluable. If you wish to get involved in any way with the St. Patrick's Four, friends of mine, here is more info. Thanx.
Hello Friends,
We are writing to give you information about an important event and to
ask your help and support. Specifically, we ask you to forward this note
to your email lists and ask people whom you think would be supportive to
forward it to theirs. Please send a second time after Labor Day so people
will be back from vacation.(Read below on lists coordination.) We cannot
depend on mainstream press coverage and thus have to rely on the grass
roots networks to get this important news out. Thanks for your help. The
St. Patrick's Four Support Group
Post to Lists Far and Wide and to Media Contacts. Thanks!!!
Join us during the St. Patrick's Four Trial -
The Only Federal Conspiracy Trial of
Civilian Anti-War Activists
September 19, 2005 - Binghamton, NY
Federal Court
Also join us every evening after trial @ 7 pm for a
Citizens' Tribunal on the Iraq War
across from court @ Christ Episcopal Church
A 5-night tribunal to articulate the legal, moral, and historical defense
for civil resistance to this illegal war.
CONFIRMED: Ray McGovern, Medea Benjamin, Camilo Mejia,
Kathy Kelly, John Bonifaz, Jimmy Massey,
Liz McAlister, U.S. Rep. Hinchey and others.
September 18, Sunday @ Christ Episcopal Church, a
"Festival of Hope" to kick off the trial!
A day of sharing faith, hope, music, food and community!
check web site for more info and
please sign on to letter of support on web site.
What: Two days before the beginning of "Shock and Awe" four concerned
citizens went to their local military recruiting
station to say no to the
war. They acted in the spirit of non-violence
and civil resistance,
pouring their own blood in the lobby of the
recruiting center.
They then knelt and prayed. They were later
tried in Tompkins
County Court. Nine of the twelve jurors voted
for acquittal.
Despite this overwhelming majority to acquit, the Federal
government has decided to bring new charges against them.
If convicted, they could face up to six years
in prison, a period
of probation, and fines of up to $250,000 each.
Who: Peter De Mott, Danny Burns, Teresa and Clare Grady
When : Begins Monday - Sept. 19th, 2005 - through the week
Where: Federal Court, 15 Henry St., Binghamton, NY
Contact: (607) 273-7437