I just received this activism e-mail from ActForChange, and I wanted to encourage other DU activists to spend $3.00 to send a rose to Camp Casey. Let's cover them up with flowers!
You are receiving this newsletter because you have previously taken action on ActForChange in support of progressive values.
*FEATURED ACTION: Send a Rose to Cindy Sheehan *ACTIVISM OPPORTUNITY: Support Senator Feingold's Call for a Date to End the Occupation of Iraq
Send a Rose to Cindy Sheehan
Cindy Sheehan is still waiting. While the president enjoys his five-week vacation so he can "get on with his life," Sheehan is asking that Bush meet with her and explain why her son lost his. So far, Bush has refused.
Send Cindy Sheehan a rose to be placed on the white crosses at Camp
http://act.actforchange.com/cgi-bin7/DM/y/ehgE0FByVq0QNd03jN0EvSheehan's heart-felt stand has inspired over 1,600 vigils around the country and mobilized over 100,000 people against the occupation of Iraq and in support of bringing the troops home -- even in "Bush country" states like Idaho and Utah.
Click here to show your support for Cindy Sheehan:
http://act.actforchange.com/cgi-bin7/DM/y/ehgE0FByVq0QNd03jN0Ev What can you do? Say it with flowers! If you can't travel to Crawford, you can still stand with Cindy and the Gold Star Families For Peace by sending a single rose for $3. Roses will be placed on the crosses erected at Camp Casey in remembrance of our fallen service men and women.
Say it with a flower by clicking here:
http://act.actforchange.com/cgi-bin7/DM/y/ehgE0FByVq0QNd03jN0Ev **Please forward this newsletter to your friends and help spread the word about this important campaign!
Support Senator Feingold's Call for a Date to End the Occupation of
The new Iraqi government is in the process of finalizing a
constitution that unfortunately falls far short of democratic
principles when it comes to women's rights. All the same, with a
government and constitution in place in Iraq, it's time for us to
begin planning a full drawdown of American troops in Iraq.
Click here to support Senator Feingold's important call to get our
troops out of Iraq:
http://act.actforchange.com/cgi-bin7/DM/y/ehgE0FByVq0QNd03jO0EwThe ongoing presence of American troops in Iraq is only creating more
terrorists, inspired to jihad by what they see as permanent American
occupation of their country. Senator Feingold has "broken the taboo"
by advocating that we set a date for completing our mission in Iraq --
and his initiative needs and deserves our support.
Click here to ask your senators to support Senator Feingold:
http://act.actforchange.com/cgi-bin7/DM/y/ehgE0FByVq0QNd03jO0Ew**Please forward this newsletter to your friends and help spread the
word about this important campaign!
THANK YOU for working to build a better world,
Will Easton, Manager
ActForChange.com/Working Assets