Mike Brown of FEMA - disasterous relief efforts -Call for his resignation
Directed to the Head of FEMA and Chef Mike Brown,
This is highly uncalled for, you stated in your interview with Soledad O'Brien that you had no idea that people were even at the Superdome until September 1 and that is why FEMA had not acted in sending resources.
Soledad continually asks in her interview with you why was FEMA unaware of the 50,000 people at the Superdome. You stated that people just keep turning up everywhere and you stated that you just didn't know there were any people at the Superdome until days into the disaster. FEMA assisted and approved designs and evacuation routes for Louisianna
before last years hurricane. Agents from FEMA stated in interviews that
last years hurricane was just a test run for this year, the Superdome has always been used as an evacuation site.
You are basically stating that the entire Nation
was aware and actively orgainzing support before you found out there was a problem. As a District FEMA
Chef agenct I find it shocking that you claim to have been unaware of the people at the Superdome. If this is true then what you are saying is that you found out there were people at the Superdome after the rest of the country had already started to organize where to take the people who were abandoned by FEMA.
Shame on you.
People died because of your extreme deglete. No water, no food, rape, and death were endured at the Superdome. The entire world had to watch in helpless terror while people suffered. The entire
nation was aware when hurricane Katrina hit that people would be
arriving at the Superdome and that they would not have electricity. You were in charge of these people's relief, and you claim that you did not even know they were there. As FEMA Chef working for the state of Louisianna and the Federal Government you are obviously incapable of doing your job.
Due to your lack of competence we don't just ask for you to resign, Mike Brown, we demand it.