Imagine 50,000 Katrina survivors camped on Bush's doorstep. In the seat of government and media. Demanding answers and change.
Imagine Camp Katrina dominating the media during Katrina investigations, the SCOTUS hearings, 9/24, Bush's impeachment... I'd love to see a small encampment by 9/11 to cut the knees out from under the obscene triumphalism Bush will try to shove down our throats on that day.
There is a history of protest encampments in DC - the Bonus Marchers and VVAW and Kerry.
We've got a couple very positive responses in the DU state forums:
From Loisiana:
AnnInLa - "I think it is a fabulous idea, but people here are a little involved right now. I sure hope this idea takes off, tho, and thanks alot!"
From Mississippi:
expatriot - "Awesome idea. You have my full support. It should be a full blown DU co-sponsored event."
Liberty Belle - "Nominated. I have a large network of contacts and will help you spread the word, if this takes off. Be sure to tie it in to activities on Sept 24th, when you will have anti-administration activists in DC for the anti-war march and impeachment rally."
We are going to talk to more survivors and see if this makes sense to them. We only want to spread the idea and will let angry activist survivors run this. It has to come from them.
I am a very tired disabled keyboard activist. If anyone wants to help, jump in - it's not an organization but a bunch of people trying to spread the idea. Right now there are 4 of us pushing it.
Good news is that the Freeway Bloggers are going to be involved - some real in-the-street activists.
Some threads on Camp Katrina:
The chief activist slot is taken. For free, like I knew it would be. Camp Katrina happens it will make history.