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October 25 march in DC

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MountainLaurel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-08-03 02:40 PM
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October 25 march in DC
International March
on Washington DC

Bring the troops home now
End the occupation of Iraq
Money for jobs, education & healthcare - Not war

There are times when a progressive demonstration, even a large activity, is little more than a symbolic protest. There are other times when a mass demonstration can function as a catalyst, a trigger unleashing new political energy; or serve as a vivid expression of a new genuine grassroots movement capable of stirring the country and changing the political landscape.

When the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition one year ago initiated the October 26, 2002, mass demonstrations in Washington DC and San Francisco there was no way to know that hundreds of thousands would participate that day in the largest anti-war actions since the Vietnam War. Scores of other countries held simultaneous actions on October 26, and it suddenly became apparent that a new global peace movement had emerged as the single biggest political obstacle in the path of the warmongerers in the White House. Mass actions at the local and national level grew in the months that followed and demonstrations became ever larger - on January 18, February 15/16, March 15 and March 22nd. These were truly global days of action with coordinated activities in almost every country in the world.

Bush was hoping that the antiwar movement, no matter how strong it became before the war, would become merely a blip on the political radar screen. That it would be vanquished by the exercise of overwhelming U.S. military superiority on the battlefield against an infinitely weakened foe. Once the Iraqi army was crushed, the U.S. Occupation Forces would be able to coerce or bribe any potential resistance. Iraq's oil reserves would be quickly privatized and the Administration could get on with its next war (Syria, North Korea, Iran, etc.). At home, the anti-war movement would be vanquished too. At least that was the conventional wisdom of the Bush White House two months ago. Like all the other thoughts that pass for "wisdom" in the White House, the presumed death of the global peace movement will soon be remembered as just one more "intelligence failure."

On Saturday October 25, hundreds of thousands of people will be back in the streets in Washington DC and in capital cities of other countries to demand "End the occupation of Iraq." The shout "Bring the Troops Home Now!" will echo throughout Washington that day. No politician or the mass media will be able to deny that the anti-war sentiment in this country is not only "not dead" but is instead growing with each passing day. Coming as it does on the second anniversary of the passage so-called Patriot Act, the demonstration will be part of the massive fight-back campaign growing throughout the country against the administration's assault on civil rights and civil liberties.

When the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition announced two months ago that it was planning another massive anti-war March on Washington DC for October 25, 2003, the projected action was dismissed by some cynics as "not realistic." After all, Bush, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were sitting tall in the saddle. With the mainstream media serving as their duplicitous cheerleaders, the Administration's poll ratings were soaring after the rapid fall of Baghdad. We were told, "this is no time to project a mass antiwar action." But "conventional wisdom" is not driving events.

The occupation is not liberation. The Iraqi people want the U.S. troops to leave and the soldiers want to go home. Bush's approval rating is dropping precipitously. According to a recent Pew Research Poll, 69% of the people surveyed said they were "very concerned that the U.S. will be bogged down in Iraq for years." The latest Newsweek poll indicates that 49% do not favor the "re-election" of Bush, now outnumbering those who do -- a huge drop from two months ago. The bloody and costly war and occupation of Iraq, justified to the public by the White House in a series of poorly bundled lies, is being reviled by a growing part of the population. Iraq may not yet be "Vietnam" but it is quickly moving in that direction. And as during Vietnam, the anti-war movement can be the decisive political factor in forcing a U.S. withdrawal.

Each passing day brings needless death and agony in Iraq. We cannot wait until 2004 to act.

The October 25, 2003, demonstration has the potential to go well beyond a symbolic protest. By its size and breadth it can help ignite a firestorm of grassroots opposition. More than 2,000 organizations and individuals have already endorsed the March on Washington, including Veterans for Peace, NION, San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO), NYCLAW, National Lawyers Guild, Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation and many others. More than 100,000 leaflets, stickers, and posters have been distributed. Local groups are forming transportation centers to bring buses and car caravans. (See below for links to a list of endorsers and cities organizing transportation.)

At the front ranks of the October 25 demonstration will be veterans, military resisters, family members and friends of soldiers in Iraq. They will be joined, hand-in-hand, with the Arab-American and Muslim community and people from every walk of life who insist on the immediate and unconditional end to the criminal occupation of Iraq.

The demonstration will also expose that Bush's war in Iraq is really a rich man's war. A central goal of the war is to privatize (i.e. steal) Iraq's vast oil fields for the benefit of U.S. corporate and banking elites who in turn are plowing hundreds of millions of dollars into George W. Bush's campaign coffers. At the cost of $6 billion per month (that is $1.5 billion each week) the price tag for the U.S. occupation of Iraq is being paid for by dramatic budget cuts in primary education and at the college level, as well as in health care, housing, veterans benefits, and other programs that assist working and poor people.

The occupation of Iraq must end. While we demand that the obscene expenditure of $6 billion each month be used instead for jobs, education, housing and health care, we are clear that our opposition to the occupation is not simply that working people in the U.S. have to bear the financial burden. The occupation is a violation of the Iraqi people's fundamental right to self-determination by the U.S. government which pursues Empire in the interests of the U.S.-based corporate and banking elites. This was never a war to defend the United States from the supposed "grave and imminent danger" posed by Iraq. That claim was a bold-faced lie. Killing tens of thousands of Iraqis and sacrificing a growing number of U.S. soldiers - who are being killed or maimed in the interests of Halliburton, Bechtel, Exxon/Mobil, Citibank and Chase - is what reveals the criminal character of the whole endeavor.

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition believes that only a true mass movement of the people can end the criminal occupation of Iraq and bring the troops home.

DC DUers and anyone else planning to come into town, would you like to meet up prior to the march? Proactive efforts will be made this time around not to lose one another crossing the street.

I feel the need to be subversive and fight the power. And it's around my birthday, so I'm hoping for good energies.

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G_j Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-10-03 01:58 AM
Response to Original message
1. United For Peace and Justice joins in
OCTOBER_25th: March for an end to the occupation of Iraq!

Act Now to Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER) and United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), are joining forces to call on all those who oppose the war, invasion and occupation of Iraq, to unite on Saturday, October 25 in Washington, D.C., for a truly massive outpouring reflecting the growing popular opposition to the Bush Administration's foreign and domestic program.

It was the peace and antiwar movement in the 1960's and 70's that proved to be one of the decisive factors ending the US war in Vietnam. The October 25th demonstration will be a powerful repudiation by the people of the United States of Bush's criminal war and occupation of Iraq and will be a signal of the new antiwar movement's potent political force countering the Bush Administration.

UFPJ and ANSWER have both organized antiwar demonstrations numbering in the hundreds of thousands in the last year and have now agreed to join forces for the purpose of organizing the October 25 National March on Washington, D.C. under the banner: End the Occupation of Iraq, Bring the
Troops Home Now! The protest will also condemn the vast cuts in vital domestic social and economic programs and demand: Money for jobs, education & healthcare, not war and occupation.
As the October 25-26 weekend is also the second anniversary of the passage of the so-called Patriot Act, authorizing political arrests, indefinite detentions, domestic spying, and religious and racial profiling, the demonstration will also be a call to Fight Back Against the Patriot Act.

By working together we are optimistic that this mobilization will be an expression of the wide-spread opposition to the ongoing occupation of Iraq. We urge you to do everything possible to help bring massive numbers of people to Washington, D.C. on October 25th!

Statement Issued by ANSWER and UFPJ, 9/5/03.
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