Presenters and pundits still cling to the notion that Bush and his cronies really do care. For example,
Russert on Imus 9/6:
Imus: Kanye West said that Geo. Bush doesn't care about black people...if you're a black person and know enough, what else are you supposed to think? The facts are the facts.
Russert: Well, a.. you can't say things like that. Because there is absolutely no evidence of that....
Russert, Blitzer, Williams... They all need to hear from us!
*** You can't CARE when you're UNAWARE ***How can you care when you refuse to see?
They were unaware of the people imprisoned at the Convention Center. They didn't bother to find out how the citizens left in New Orleans were faring. They didn’t care. It is undeniable.
Bush and his cronies have no idea how a vast majority of the people in this nation live.
How can you care for someone who doesn't exist for you?
You can't.
There is no way around it.
*** You can't CARE when you're UNAWARE ***It's a simple refrain. If you like it, help spread it.
Perhaps it’s not as memorable as Johnnie Cochran’s “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit”, but who knows?