It is now a reality thanks to Shadder at I put out the call for help this morning, and within hours Shadder created a new place to house all of our information that will be more flexible and less visually challenging than its current emergency shelter in the Activism Headquarters. The new site is the Hurricane Katrina Research Center at the following link:
:bounce: :bounce:
Until we have all of the data transferred, please post all new information at both the Research Center and at the Katrina thread in the Activism Headquarters: help transfer data from the old site: the new site: go down categories in the new site until you find an empty one. Then go to the category with the same name in the old site and start transferring post from the old to the new.(Some of the categories in the old thread are still in empty, so just get them and go to the next one).
You can also help us by keeping this post kicked and rated for visibility and also by passing the information to people you know who are looking for a site like this. It is just in its formation stage right now, but we can really make it into something great!
Thanks again to Shadder for making this happen so fast! :yourock: