Our new Hurricane Katrina Research Center has been started and is at:
http://katrinatimeline.org/research/index.phpThe new site will need a lot of help before it is fully operational. If you are proficient in wiki and can help get this thing organized, please send me a PM and let me know what you can do.
Until it is fully functioning, please continue to post all information in the DUers Katrina Research Center thread that is in the Activist Headquarters.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=106x22805The categories obviously need to be reorganized, but please do not make any attempts to do this until we get all of the information transferred to the new categories from the old thread. If you have any ideas organizational structure, please feel free to PM me.
Right now it is critical to save every bit of information that you think might be relevant to future do you research. If nothing else, save it in your own "favorites" file for now.
Thanks so much for your support in getting this thing off the ground.
:loveya: mom cat