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The Partnership for American Families

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Kolesar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-12-03 07:16 PM
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The Partnership for American Families
As far as I can tell, this is the prime mobilization effort in Ohio, Missouri, Florida, plus Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. They were prime organizers of Camp Wellstone.

Thursday :: Feb 27, 2003
Organized Labor Gears Up/Graham Jumps In
Aside from Elaine Chao’s igniting of the Teamsters and the rest of organized labor against the Bush Administration, the biggest development out of organized labor’s Florida meetings this week was the announcement of the creation of Labor’s Partnership for American Families. The $20 million effort to mobilize nonunion voters, aimed at blacks, Latinos, and women, will be compliant with the McCain-Feingold limitations and allow the AFL-CIO to target significant resources into key states with issue ads and GOTV efforts.

The best GOTV specialists in the party, Steve Rosenthal and Donna Brazile will head up the effort. The effort will target key states such as Missouri, Ohio, and Florida, as well as states in the West (Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado) where increases in Hispanic voter turnout may have a significant impact. One can see where this effort can exploit Yucca Mountain anxieties in Nevada against Bush.

Although a $20 million effort will be dwarfed by what BushCo will pour out from their corporate pimps, such an effort run by these two pros, aimed at three critical swing states that the GOP needs to elect Bush will have an effect in the race.

Such an effort also raises a question as to which candidate(s) this helps the most. Off the top, one can argue that such an effort obviously helps Dick Gephardt and Bob Graham, who filed papers today.
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Kolesar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-12-03 07:20 PM
Response to Original message
1. NY Times $: Regrouping on a Labor Effort to Elect a Democrat
Edited on Fri Sep-12-03 07:27 PM by SpikeTrees
Regrouping on a Labor Effort to Elect a Democrat
NATIONAL DESK | June 6, 2003, Friday
Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 22 , Column 4
ABSTRACT - Partnership for American Families, new labor-backed group focused on mobilizing nonunion voters to join in effort to recapture White House for Democrats, announces new board that includes several union leaders; group's directors resigned two weks ago in split that rocked organized labor; reconstituted board includes Andrew Stern, president of Service Employees International Union, Arturo Rodriguez, president of United Farm Workers, and John Wilhelm, president of Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union (M)

NATIONAL DESK | May 24, 2003, Saturday
Labor Group On 2004 Vote Suffers Split

Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 16 , Column 6
DISPLAYING FIRST 50 OF 712 WORDS - The labor movement's efforts to develop a unified strategy to defeat President Bush in 2004 stumbled this week when the chairman of the A.F.L.-C.I.O.'s political committee angrily quit the board of a new labor-backed group aimed at mobilizing nonunion voters, taking the two other board members with ... In resigning,...


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