Israel has adopted a policy of extrajudicial killings (or assassinations) of Palestinian activists in an attempt to suppress the current Palestinian uprising against its brutal military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. As of August 6, 2001, between 40-60 Palestinians have been murdered as a result of these extrajudicial killings, at least 13 of whom were innocent bystanders. Extrajudicial killings are often implemented by a missile strike from a helicopter gunship, wreaking havoc in Palestinian residential areas and causing casualties to civilians. For instance, Israel's assassination of two Hamas activists in Nablus on July 31, 2001 also killed two journalists and two children aged 7 and 10.
Israel's policy of assassinating Palestinian activists is illegal according to both Israeli law and international law. Israel has outlawed the death penalty; however, its policy of extrajudicial killings allows it to circumvent this prohibition and execute people by other means. Worse yet, Israel is executing people without charging them with having committed a specific crime; without furnishing any evidence as to their "guilt"; and without the due process of a free and fair trial. Vaguely worded assurances from Israeli security agencies (which readily admit to torturing Palestinians to extract information) that those targeted for assassination are guilty of "acts of violence and terror" are hardly credible. This policy seriously undermines Israel's claim to being a democratic state based on the rule of law.
Model Letter to Members of Congress
Dear Senators ______________ and ______________ and Representative _____________________ ,
I am writing to express my dismay and horror at Israel's policy of assassinating Palestinian activists and to urge Congress to adopt a "Sense of Congress" resolution calling upon Israel to halt immediately this illegal and immoral policy.
Israel has adopted a policy of extrajudicial killings (or assassinations) of Palestinian activists in an attempt to suppress the current Palestinian uprising against its brutal military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. As of August 6, 2001, between 40-60 Palestinians have been murdered as a result of these extrajudicial killings, at least 13 of whom were innocent bystanders. Extrajudicial killings are often implemented by a missile strike from a helicopter gunship, wreaking havoc in Palestinian residential areas and causing casualties to civilians. For instance, Israel's assassination of two Hamas activists in Nablus on July 31, 2001 also killed two journalists and two children aged 7 and 10.
Israel's policy of assassinating Palestinian activists is illegal according to both Israeli law and international law. Israel has outlawed the death penalty; however, its policy of extrajudicial killings allows it to circumvent this prohibition and execute people by other means. Worse yet, Israel is executing people without charging them with having committed a specific crime; without furnishing any evidence as to their "guilt"; and without the due process of a free and fair trial. Vaguely worded assurances from Israeli security agencies (which readily admit to torturing Palestinians to extract information) that those targeted for assassination are guilty of "acts of violence and terror" are hardly credible. This policy seriously undermines Israel's claim to being a democratic state based on the rule of law.
Furthermore, Israel's policy of assassinating Palestinian activists is in clear violation of customary international law that protects basic human rights such as the right to a free and fair trial. The policy also violates the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, to which Israel is a High Contracting Party. Article 3(d) of this Geneva Convention prohibits at any time and in any place "the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples." It is time to hold Israel accountable to its commitments and to international norms of civilized behavior.
In carrying out its extrajudicial killings, Israel also is violating U.S. law by employing U.S.-supplied weaponry, including Apache helicopter gunships, in a manner which is proscribed by the U.S. Foreign Assistance and Arms Export Control Acts. United States law stipulates, inter alia, that any defense articles and defense services to any country shall be furnished "solely for internal security,
for legitimate self-defense" (22U.S.C. 2302 and 2754). Israel's policy of extrajudicial killings, designed to eliminate Palestine's political leadership and to cow the Palestinian people into submission to Israel's military occupation, hardly qualifies as legitimate self-defense.
Because Israel's policy of extrajudicial killings is illegal, immoral, counter-productive to establishing peace and ultimately inimical to achieving "security", the U.S. Department of State has condemned this practice repeatedly and sharply. For instance, the State Department "strongly deplored" Israel's extrajudicial killings in Nablus on July 31, 2001 and described it as "excessive," "an escalation," and "highly provocative." To prevent future Israeli extrajudicial killings and violations of the U.S. Foreign Assistance and Arms Export Control Acts, Congress must reinforce the State Department's condemnation by passing a "Sense of Congress" resolution that calls upon Israel to halt immediately this policy.
Israel's policy of extrajudicial killings is ultimately counter-productive to its own long-term interests in peace and security, and to the overall stability of the region. Israel claims that its policy of extrajudicial killings is necessary to ensure its security against "terrorists"--Israel's term for any Palestinian who resists its military occupation. However, this policy is short-sighted: By killing Palestinian activists and innocent bystanders, Israel will only succeed in embittering Palestinians more (if this is possible) and increasing their will to resist the occupation. History has proven time and again that it is impossible to kill an idea. No matter how many Palestinian activists Israel murders, it will not succeed in quelling the desire of the Palestinian people to live in freedom, dignity and peace.