I am so glad I went.
About 250 or so people were gathered at a lovely home in the Studio City hills. Ed Begley Jr and James Cromwell were there; they spoke. Mimi Kennedy was also there, and some others I didn't catch; I arrived too late for the social hour but in time to catch the speakers. I shook his hand, said my welcomes, and then gathered with a few people from the east valley kucitizens meetup group.
The speakers were strong and supportive; and then came Dennis. He was connected via a live feed to over 1,000 other Peace Day House Parties around the country. And what a wonderful session. I can't say it like he did. He laid out concrete, practical info about HR 1673, which he introduced on April 8th of this year. He talked about the relationship between personal relationships and national relationships; how one is a reflection of the other. About how we become a more peaceful world by shifting our focus as a nation from the war industry to organized efforts to create peace in our families, neighborhoods, and nation, as well as our international relationships. He spoke about addressing domestic and street violence here at home.
He spent some time talking about universal health care, and answered many questions. A questioner from a DK Yahoo group asked him about electronic voting issues; he spoke about a plan to get the codes out of private hands and into bipartisan public domain, and about the necessity of having a paper trail.
When I attended my first Kucinich meetup, there were 3 people. I was one of the 3. I sat and talked to a wonderful couple for 2 hours that night. They were interested in Dennis because of his platform. Tonight was the first time they met him and heard him speak in person. On our way out to get our cars, I asked them, "Well?" They responded, "He's the one. There's no one else even close." That seems to be a universal response when people meet him in person. We certainly had a huge, enthusiastic, determined crowd tonight, and I'm eagerly waiting to hear how much money we raised for him. I think we did well!
The joke of the evening: one of the speakers, the host (I think), said, "We've got a good hollywood presence here tonight. We invited Arnold, but he declined. He was afraid he might have to debate."
Anyone listen to Dennis on the live feed from their house party today?