and Oct 14th. touch-screen voting equipment will be on display for the public Oct. 4 during the Franklin Heritage Festival in either the Courthouse or Courthouse Annex, Jones-Matthews said. The equipment cannot be displayed outdoors, she noted, as sunlight can damage the screens.
On Oct. 14, the equipment will be set up for the residents at Greenwood Village South, Jones-Matthews said. Talks are ongoing about having touch-screen demonstrations at the Wal-Mart Supercenter in Franklin. Other displays for the public are planned.
more... brings up some good points in the above thread for the press, public, and govt officials about HAVA non compliance:
"'s where you can get the text of HAVA.
There are provisions for filing complaints about non-compliance, at least at the state level and should be federal too.
I don't have time to go through the thing right now, but I'd consider the fact that the iVotronic does not produce a voter-verified paper ballot in violation of HAVA's requirements for a:
Permanent paper record with audit capacity.
It takes a voter-verified ballot to get audit capacity with these systems.
Then, tell the press they're not HAVA compliant, if your state is using HAVA money.
Otherwise, perhaps the fraud angle, because you cannot prove these machines are secure? "
Also Bev posted some good questions too on a thread that I forgot to bookmark from a couple weeks ago. Maybe someone can send these officials the story from yesterday too.