25) "Bush's Record Deficits: It's Not Just No Jobs, It's An Indenture"
24) "If You Can Read This, You'd Make A Better President"
23) "Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld: The Asses of Evil"
22) "Bush Lied. Thousands Died"
21) "Anyone Seen Our Constitution Lately?"
20) "We're Spending Our Kids' Social Security"
19) "Lick Bush in 2004"
18) "War IS Terror"
17) "The Emperor Has No Clue"
16) "One Nation, Under Surveillance"
15) "The last folks who took orders from a BUSH got stuck in the desert for 40 years."
14) "Give Me Accountability or Give Me Bush"
13) "Bush & Cheney: Just Your Typical Used War Salesmen"
11) "Warning: Fascists in Mirror are Closer Than They Appear"
10) "Dumb Presidents Suck"
9) "Keep Our Constitution Fool-Proof"
8) "Dick Cheney Before He Dicks You"
7) "Drunken Frat Boy Drives Country Into Ditch"
6) "Dubya's Iraq Attack: Just Another Faith-Based Initiative"
5) "Stop Mad Cowboy Disease"
4) "A Fool and His Cheney Are Soon Pardoned"
3) "How Did Our Oil Get Under Their Sand?"
2) "Clinton: Blow Jobs -- Bush: No Jobs"
1) "I Survived The 2000 Election And All I Got Was This Stupid President"