Patriots for Al Gore-Press Release/May 21, 2006
Patriots for Al Gore condemns the lies and scare tactics used by this puppet of EXXON and the oil lobby to discredit the science that has proven that humans are the dominant force in global warming.
CEI (one of over forty think tanks supported by EXXON) is attempting to discredit the information contained in the movie An Inconvenient Truth, and the work of scientists from NASA, the NSA, the IPCC, and the ACIA (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment) Project that unequivocably proves that humans are responsible for the current climate crisis we face due to the burning of fossil fuels. They claim Al Gore is using "junk science" to explain this crisis in this movie, yet that is all they have in attempting to keep this truth from reaching those who need to have it most: the consumers of this country who have been lied to by EXXON and their competitors for years as they put their profits before this human rights issue. It is then obvious that this movie and truth scares them as they fear it will cut into their profit margins.
The average price for a gallon of gasoline in our country now is $3.00. When Bush first "took" office, it wasn't even $1.50 a gallon. There is a reason for that increase, and it is called getting political favors in return for donations to campaign coffers. And it is this greed that trumps morality that is also exacerbating the conditions this planet now finds itself in. America consumes nearly 21 million barrels of oil per day, and EXXON makes the highest profits from that consumption. After the wrath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the House of Representatives gave them even more when it passed the Gasoline for America's Security Act. This act eased environmental regulations and provided the wealthy oil industry with new incentives to increase refining capacity without doing anything to help consumers reduce demand. Now whose side do you think they are on?
Global oil demand is increasing as our population grows and countries like China are now getting off their bikes and into cars. This rising demand then means a decrease is supply and an increase in the very conditions that cause global warming. Without viable alternatives and countries who contribute to that global warming at the highest levels not doing anything to reduce oil demand, we will indeed reap the whirlwind. However, what does EXXON and conservative think tanks like CEI do? Do they embrace this attempt to bring truth to the consumers to be able to make an informed decision to seek out more sustainable choices for our future? No. They use it as an opportunity to once again serve their own political base in exchange for favors.
The energy policy conceived in secret by Dick Cheney and energy company executives does not solve or even begin to address this crisis. Their only answer is drilling our country dry in order to fill the bank accounts of those who attack anyone who dare seek to bring information about this issue to light. This is also a national security risk as it also effects our economy, our stability, and our environment, while they enjoy tax breaks and record profits at the expense of those who died in the wake of a natural disaster unlike any this country has seen before. And the Gulf Coast is still feeling the impact of those hurricanes with another hurricane season breathing down their neck. This kind of blatant immoral self interest by such companies at the expense of human life must no longer be rewarded or tolerated.
This press release is then to announce our wholehearted support for the movie, An Inconvenient Truth, the message Al Gore has worked so passionately and selflessly to bring to the world, and to call on CEI and especially EXXON to reevaluate their attempts to discredit an issue they have longed trailed way behind in regarding their own truth. The inconvenient truth they must face now, is that it is time for them to pay their dues for the environmental destruction their greed has wrecked upon our world. We can only hope they see the error of their ways and for once put morality ahead of profit. Our future depends on it.
Jan Moore
Patriots for Al Gore You can pledge to see this important movie here: