Ray McGovern Is Going to Rumsfeld's House
By David Swanson
Ray McGovern wasn't aiming to make Donald Rumsfeld stutter and stammer like a kid caught cheating on a test when he asked him last week why he'd lied us into a war. That was just a side benefit. Ray wants answers, and he's taking his demand to Donald Rumsfeld's house in Washington, D.C.
On Thursday, May 18, a large coalition of groups is planning to deliver to the White House all the signatures and comments posted on a petition at http://www.DontAttackIran.org snip
Toward the end of the event, at approximately 2:30 p.m.,
Cindy Sheehan will lead us in delivering the petition and signatures and comments to the White House. And at 3 p.m. we will head off on a
march to Donald Rumsfeld's house, with Ray McGovern leading the way. Our demand to Rumsfeld: Why did you lie?
http://www.politicalaffairs.net/article/articleview/3393/1/167/That's on May 18. I'm sure they'd appreciate some support if you're in the area!!!
To see the VIDEO of Ray McGovern causing Rumsfeld to "sutter and stammer" last Friday, click the link in my sig. It's the entire question, something CNN didn't show.