Dear _____,
Support Leonard Boswell's campaign for U.S. Congress today!
Tomorrow, I am going to Iowa to campaign for Leonard Boswell, a respected Democratic Congressman and a veteran who may well be the next target of Republican swift boat attacks.
Leonard's seat in Iowa is the number one takeover target for Republicans in the House of Representatives this November. We need to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him to defend this critical seat.
This is my first trip to Iowa this year, and I'm asking you to send a message. Show Leonard Boswell and all Iowans that the Clark community is ready to help them fight back against Republican attacks.
Please contribute to Leonard's campaign today! The single most important task for Democrats this year is to take back Congress, and that goal is clearly within reach. But we need to work together to make it happen -- and the best way to start is by helping Leonard hold on to his House seat.
Leonard Boswell is an American hero. A career soldier, he earned two Distinguished Flying Crosses, two Bronze Stars, the Soldier's Medal, and numerous other awards. Now, he sits on the House Intelligence Committee, providing valuable oversight and guidance for the war on terror.
We have all seen the despicable strategy Republicans use when they face genuine American heroes like John Kerry, Max Cleland, or John Murtha: They attack their patriotism and smear their good names.
Well we can't let the Republicans do the same thing to Leonard Boswell.
Donate to Leonard Boswell's campaign today. Stand up for this good man, and do your part to help the Democrats take back the House this November.
Unfortunately, we can expect the worst from Boswell's opponent, Jeff Lamberti. He is an advisor to a radical right-wing group that worked with the Swift Boat Veterans to smear John Kerry. They called Iowa's decent and hardworking senator, Tom Harkin, "communist loving."
If you can judge a man by the company he keeps, then Lamberti should give us all pause. He has hired one of Tom DeLay's consultants to be his political advisor. If he is elected, you can be sure we will never see an end to the culture of corruption in Washington. And that's completely unacceptable.
I'm going to Iowa tomorrow to help Leonard Boswell. But you can help Leonard today.
Please contribute to Leonard Boswell's campaign now!
Thank you for your help.
Wes Clark
P.S. When I see Leonard in Iowa on Friday, I want to be able to show him that he has the full support of the Clark community. A contribution of $25, $50, or whatever you can afford will send that message. Please donate to Leonard's campaign now – before my trip to Iowa on Friday! Leonard's Campaign Today!