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House approves Arctic drilling - here's what we're going to do..

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Triana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-31-06 02:16 PM
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House approves Arctic drilling - here's what we're going to do..
I got this TODAY from MoveOn so sorry if it's redundant!
_ _ _ _ _

Hi friend,

Last week, the House of Representatives passed a bill
that would allow oil companies to drill for oil in the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And which oil company
has been lobbying the hardest for access to the Arctic
Refuge? ExxonMobil.

Today, ExxonMobil's shareholders begin their annual
meeting. With your help, we can send them a loud,
clear message that ExxonMobil needs to change its
ways. Sign the petition to boycott ExxonMobil until
they stop trying to drill in the Arctic Refuge!

ExxonMobil is using its record profits to push for
drilling off our coasts and in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge - drilling that would devastate our
polar bears, sea otters and manatees and industrialize
some of our last great wild places.

And for what? New Arctic drilling might raise
ExxonMobil's stock price, but it wouldn't save
consumers much more than a couple of pennies per
gallon - and then not for another 20 years.

Let's stop fueling ExxonMobil's destructive agenda --
pledge to boycott ExxonMobil!

Exxon Mobil is the lone remaining major oil company in
Arctic Power, a lobbying group dedicated to drilling in
the Arctic Refuge.

And they still oppose meaningful action to address
global warming, which could doom more than a million
species to extinction.

Changing ExxonMobil's ways is well within our reach.
At the 2004 ExxonMobil annual shareholder meeting,
28.3% of shareholders voted for a resolution calling
on the company's board of directors to review how it
will meet greenhouse gas reduction targets in
countries participating in the Kyoto Protocol.

Please pledge to boycott ExxonMobil until they stop
trying to drill in the Arctic Refuge and along our

And tell them you won't buy their gas until they stop
fighting efforts to curb global climate change and get
serious about clean energy solutions.

Your decision at the pump could make a big difference
for our wildlife. Thanks for acting today!

Rebecca Young,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team

P.S. To learn more about what you can do to hold
ExxonMobil accountable, please visit the Exxpose Exxon
campaign's website: The Exxpose
Exxon campaign is a collaborative effort of Defenders
of Wildlife and several other large environmental and
public interest advocacy organizations aimed at
informing and educating Americans about ExxonMobil's
efforts to prevent action on global warming, drill in
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and encourage
America's dependence on oil.
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sinkingfeeling Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-31-06 02:20 PM
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1. Done. I've boycotted Exxon since Valdez.
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