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Hundreds protest plans for Guard at border

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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-03-06 07:37 PM
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Hundreds protest plans for Guard at border
2:55 p.m. June 3, 2006

SAN YSIDRO – Several hundred people rallied Saturday along the San Ysidro border to protest the planned placement of National Guard troops at the nation's border with Mexico, organizers said.
The protesters gathered at Larsen Park in the 400 block of Sycamore Road in San Ysidro.

Organizers, with the International Coalition for Liberty and Justice, say that placing the National Guard at the border will exacerbate already tense relations between the countries ...

San Diego City College professor Justin Akers Chacon of San Diego City College said the deployment “doesn't actually address the root causes.” ...

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mildred22 Donating Member (2 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-05-06 02:56 PM
Response to Original message
1. July 1st Nationwide Rally and Boycott to Stop Illegal Immigration
Nationwide Rally to Stop Illegal Immigration
on Saturday, July 1st, at noon, at every City Hall

On May 1st - Million of Illegal Aliens Marched in our Streets

Twelve million illegal aliens demonstrated their political
power, and declared May 1st to be A Day Without Undocumented
Workers ( illegal aliens ). They boycotted the USA, all US
businesses and institutions. Millions of them marched in our
streets, carried Mexican flags, shouted "Si se
puede!", and demanded new laws from our Congress.

On July 1st - U.S. Citizens Nationwide Rally and Boycott

Rally to stop the invasion by millions of illegal aliens.
1-Day boycott of businesses that hire illegal aliens.

Things You Can Do

1. E-mail a copy to your friends
2. Post a copy on appropriate Internet forums.
3. E-mail "Build the wall. Enforce the law." to your
Senators and Representative.
4. On July 1st, join the one-day boycott of businesses
employing illegal aliens.
5. On July 1st, go to the USA Citizens Day rally at your City
Hall. Be there by noon.

U.S. Senate Email Link:
U.S. House of Representatives Email Link:
Rally link:
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