Apologizing in advance for copying and pasting, but I really don't have a diary in me today. I just hope that whoever needs to see this is able to see this and help. Crossposted from
Howard-Empowered People.
Well - thanks for all the birthday greetings - but here was an unexpected "present".
I was just informed by the local newspaper - which was apparently contacted by the Sheriff's office to make a publicity issue out of this - that the Sheriff's office has filed two more sworn complaints for alleged "unlawful interception of communications" (effectively wiretapping - but without the wires) against myself and Michael Canney, who is co-chair of the local Green Party.
All we were doing was attempting to investigate allegations of a fraudulent election. Yet every step of the way, the City of Alachua's officials, the State Attorney's office, and now the Alachua Sheriff's office (who defied a judge's order to release me from jail when first arrested) are attempting to HARASS and INTIMIDATE us - as private citizens - merely standing up for our rights.
We are not sure when and if they will attempt to arrest us - but I suspect that they may try over the weekend (so if you don't hear from me for a day - worry!!).
Now more than ever we need help in raising the funds for our legal defense and our prosecution of those responsible for these violations of rights. With three more felony charges being threatened against me - and now a second individual being accused of two felonies (ironically the local ABC television station did the same thing Michael Canney did - video tape my audio taped conversation with Clovis Watson, City Manager, in City Hall - but they are not being charged with a felony offense).
This is moving to the absurd. WE NEED HELP! I cannot stress this more. (And I hate asking for money). I have tried to get the ACLU involved, we have mounting legal bills (again we must raise a minimum of $5,000 by Monday for our existing legal expenses - and at minimum $5,000 more by next week's end, particularly with a second potential defendant now).
I will not back down to this tactic of intimidation. The Sheriff, Steve Oelrich, is a Republican currently running for the State Senate. You have seen how the local Republican Party has drawn a "line in the sand" on the City of Alachua and is determined to go after me (and now other citizens).
Its getting really bad down here - I am really starting to feel like it is 1960 in the Deep South. I don't know what they will attempt next.
Please, if you can help by spreading the word around the internet and the progressive community, we need the help of anyone and everyone. Every bit counts - if we can get a couple of hundred people even with $10 donations we will be in good shape.
Also - PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO THE MEDIA. Send it around - get it to Air America, Jon Stewart, whoever is out there.
Charlie Grapski
http://grapskidefense.orgMore links with background information here