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Pryderi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-12-06 10:46 AM
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If you want to keep progressive talk radio in Cincinnati, tell your friends to listen, buy from the advertisers!

Call 513-686-8500
Ask for Darryl Parks

Word has it that John Kiesewetter (513-768-8667 ) at the Cincy Enquirer would like to see progressive radio off the air.

Please forward this email to your progressive friends!

I apologize in advance as many of you may get this from muliple sources. We need to keep WCKY on the air to combat the GOP media machine!!!!

Liberal talk has not been a hit here since WCKY launched the format 18 months ago with Springer's national talk show. WCKY ranks No. 18 among stations here, with a 0.9 audience share for winter quarter, down from a 1.3 in summer and fall. Schultz's show, with a 1.0 audience share, outperforms the station average. More people listened to oldies on the station in 2004 before the format switched.

Cunningham's station, WLW-AM, is No. 1 with an 8.9 share. Limbaugh's station, WKRC-AM, is No. 12 with a 3.4 share.

Clear Channel could drop the liberal talk format if the WCKY audience doesn't grow, says Darryl Parks, Clear Channel's AM operations director here.

"We're not happy with the (ratings) results. We're always looking for a way to improve our product (stations)," Parks says. "This isn't about any political ideology. This is all about ratings and revenues."
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CottonBear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-12-06 10:49 AM
Response to Original message
1. Dammit. Air Atlanta is gone (Malloy lives in Atlanta ) & now WCKY.
I can get WCKY at night here in North East Georgia. Air Atlanta just went off the air yesterday (right in the middle of Laura Flanders' Radio Nation show). :( Without WCKY, I'll only get AA via web stream. I can't afford XM radio right now. :cry:
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Ezlivin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-12-06 11:03 AM
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2. It's all about the ratings, eh? Who measures those ratings? Hmmmmm.
Just wondering...
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shireen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-12-06 11:41 AM
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3. how are radio ratings determined?
if there were a way to determine the number of internet listeners for AAR, and ratings/market advertising for them, AAR listening ratings would skyrocket. I wish there was a way to tap into that demographic to keep the network alive.
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Pryderi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-12-06 08:24 PM
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4. Clearchannels Disables the comments section
gives the following error:

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However, I sent the following email to and didn't get a bounce back.
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AbsoluteArmorer Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-05-06 07:43 PM
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5. Battle Ground Ohio..... again
How convenient that Clear Channel is about to pull the plug as a very important key Ohio election is coming up in Nov 7, 2006. I feel shades of election '04 returning to Ohio with it's normal GOP bag of tricks. Anybody else see the same bag of tricks with Clear Channel and the GOP?,_2006

The Ohio gubernatorial election of 2006 will be held on November 7, 2006, and will be a race for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, who are elected on a joint ticket. The winning candidates will serve from 2007 to 2011. Republican nominee Ken Blackwell, Green nominee Bob Fitrakis, Libertarian nominee Bill Peirce, and Democratic nominee Ted Strickland will face each other in the fall election.

Ohio is a swing state currently dominated by Republicans: Republicans have held the governorship for the past sixteen years, currently hold all statewide executive offices, and control both houses of the state legislature. However, the state Republican party has lost much momentum due to a falling economy and loan scandals. Since the second quarter of 2000, Ohio has sustained a net loss of 160,362 jobs which lead to a drop in earnings of Ohio citizens of $2.53 billion per year. <1><2>

Incumbent governor Bob Taft has a dismal approval rating (18%) and a net approval rating of -61%, both the worst among all sitting governors.<3> May 2006 polls indicated that only 2% of Ohio residents "strongly approve" of Taft's performance, less than the error of the poll. <4> In 2005 Taft plead guilty to four ethics violations, further damaging his reputation and the trust in his leadership. <5> Taft is term limited and cannot run for re-election.

The outcome of the gubernatorial election is being closely watched on a national level as it may be considered, as the New York Times called it, a "bellwether" for the 2008 US presidential election. <6> Historically no Republican candidate for president has ever ultimately been elected without the support of Ohio. <7>
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liam_laddie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-07-06 11:24 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Update - AAR is NOT off the air in Cincy.
Clear Channel, those friends of progressive causes, is switching AAR from
1530 WCKY-AM to 1230 WCPO-AM at midnight tonight, July 7. From Sat a.m.
on, the AAR and Jones (Ed Schultz) lineup and schedule remain the same as
before. Info was confirmed by a call to them this morning. No AAR today, though.

It's quite a withdrawal issue not to have Rachel, Al and Ed and Randi on today.
Best thing to do is write or call Clear Channel (513-686-8300), thank them for
maintaing the programming here, and DEMAND that they continue to provide
balanced programming, else the FCC will be receiving a complaint letter.
Damn that Reagan for offing the Fairness Doctrine...
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John in Cincy Donating Member (21 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-08-06 10:42 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. My understanding is it goes to 1360 AM N/T
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