If you are as disgusted as I am with Ann Coulter, then here is a way to do something about it. I have written a draft letter that can be sent to the below listed email addresses. All of the addresses below are those who are somehow in the business of promoting Ann Coulter. If enough people send this letter or one like it to all of them, it will make an impact. I also ask that if you send it, then please send it to your local newspaper if they carry her column.
TO: crownbiz@randomhouse.com, crownpublicity@randomhouse.com, lsalem@amuniversal.com, polson@randomhouse.com, salesdirector@amuniversal.com, rgallagher@amuniversal.com, shile@amuniversal.com, jmatthews@amuniversal.com, jflemington@amuniversal.com,jprahl@amuniversal.com, mwilliford@amuniversal.com, mgirard@amuniversal.com , msharp@amuniversal.com, kslagle@amuniversal.com, mpratt@atlanticsyndication.com, knorell@atlanticsyndication.com, shobson@amuniversal.com, tstephens@uclick.com,letters@worldnetdaily.com, customerservice@worldnetdaily.com, conserve@iowaconnect.com jfarah@worldnetdaily.com, dkupelian@worldnetdaily.com, jkovacs@worldnetdaily.com, dlynne@worldnetdaily.com, amoore@worldnetdaily.com, rstrom@worldnetdaily.com, tambrose@worldnetdaily.com, Editors@HumanEventsOnline.com, CustomerService@HumanEventsOnline.com, Webmaster@HumanEventsOnline.com, Advertising@HumanEventsOnline.com, viewerservices@foxnews.com, Beltway@foxnews.com, Myword@foxnews.com, Bigstory-weekend@foxnews.com, Bigstory-weekend@foxnews.com Bullsandbears@foxnews.com, Cash@foxnews.com, Cavuto@foxnews.com, Dayside@foxnews.com, Forbes@foxnews.com, Friends@foxnews.com, Feedback@foxnews.com, Jamie@foxnews.com, Feedback@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, FNS@foxnews.com, Newswatch@foxnews.com Foxreport@foxnews.com, Hannity@foxnews.com or Colmes@foxnews.com, Heartland@foxnews.com, JER@foxnews.com, Ontherecord@foxnews.com Oreilly@foxnews.com, Special@foxnews.com, Studiob@foxnews.com, Warstories@foxnews.com, Cavuto@foxnews.com, schmooze@jewishworldreview.com, ItsaQuestion@ProudToBeCanadian.ca, letters@sirinet.net
CC: 2020@abc.com, 360@cnn.com, 48hours@cbsnews.com, 60ii@cbsnews.com, am@cnn.com, colmes@foxnews.com, comments@foxnews.com, comments@larryflynt.com, , crossfire@cnn.com, dateline@nbc.com, daybreak@cnn.com
Dear Editors,
I ask that you drop Ann Coulter’s column from your publication, website, and cut any business relationship you have with her.
It has come to a point that she has gone clearly too far. No amount of disguising it as satire or as a bizarre sense of humor can be an excuse for her threats and calls for harm against elected officials, combat veterans, and all of us who express our right to dissent.
First, I am a card carrying member of my many organizations who advocate free speech and civil liberties. However, when someone who has a nationally syndicated column calls for the bombing of the New York Times building, or wishes that an elected member of Congress was killed, or that all liberals should be attacked by skinheads then it is time to end this chapter of intolerance and bigotry.
Second, Ms. Coulter is currently the subject of an inquiry being conducted by the Universal Press Syndicate for an allegation of plagiarism. This inquiry can be referenced in the July 8th edition of the Seattle Times and was written by Hilel Italie, “Coulter columns subject of plagiarism investigation”.
Finally, Ann Coulter’s continued publication of threats may be a violation of federal law. Anyone of you who are in a business relationship with her by publishing her column may be considered accomplices since you aid in transmitting or delivering it across state lines.
I quote the following from the United States Code for review by your legal departments:
Section 875. Interstate communications (c) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another.
Section 876. Mailing threatening communications (c) Whoever knowingly so deposits or causes to be delivered as aforesaid, any communication with or without a name or designating mark subscribed thereto, addressed to any other person and containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of the addressee or of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. If such a communication is addressed to a United States judge, a Federal law enforcement officer, or an official who is covered by section 1114, the individual shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.
Again, I ask that you drop Ann Coulter’s column based on her threats and poor journalistic ethics.
Thank you,