it or not — after all the bad press the right wing received for pushing the Federal Marriage Amendment in the Senate — they are gearing up for another fight, and we hope another black eye — this time in the House of Representatives. That's right. Likely during the week of July 17th, there will be yet another vote in Congress to enshrine discrimination against same-sex families into the Constitution.
The right-wing hopes these votes in Congress will pay off for them with more hard right votes for their candidates in November. That's why we need to make sure they don't pick up any momentum with this vote in the House. We need to show the right-wing — and the country — that dragging up ugly, hateful, divisive votes right before elections will not pay off.
We've had enough. Let's stop this amendment once and for all.
We've set up a special page on our website that gives you tools you need to make a difference. You can access it here. On our FMA Action Center, you can e-mail your representative, get talking points for a phone call or a lobby visit, and forward critical information to your friends.
As a voter in a targeted district, the Task Force wants to empower you in any way that we can to leverage your unique status as a constituent to get your representative to vote “no” on the marriage amendment in the House.
Thank you once again for being the front line in standing up for fairness and against right-wing bigotry.
Last month, your work made for a win on this issue in the Senate. With your help one more time, we can shame the right wing again in the House.
Thank you,
Matt Foreman
Executive Director Five Things You Can Do
Sign Our Petition
Spread the Word
Lobby Your Congressperson
E-mail/Fax Your Congressperson
Make a Donation
To Spread the Word Click Here! The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Inc. ("NGLTF, Inc."), founded in 1974, works to build the grassroots political power of the LGBT community to win complete equality. We do this through direct and grassroots lobbying to defeat anti-LGBT ballot initiatives and legislation and pass pro-LGBT legislation and other measures. We also analyze and report on the positions of candidates for public office on issues of importance to the LGBT community. NGLTF, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation incorporated in New York. Contributions to NGLTF, Inc. are not tax- deductible.
© 2005-2006 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force . 1325 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005 Phone 202.393.5177 . Fax 202.393.2241 . TTY 202.393.2284 .