Tuesday, the House of Representatives will vote on the Federal
Marriage Amendment to ban marriage between same sex couples and
write discrimination into the Constitution. Help us fight back
-- tell your Representative to vote no today.
http://www.hrcactioncenter.org/campaign/fma_postcards_houseJust last month, the Senate held its own vote on the FMA. We
asked fair-minded Americans to stand up for equality by
contacting their Senators and urging them to vote no. The
result? Hundreds of thousands of letters poured in to the
Senate, and the extremist Senators pushing the FMA were unable
to get a majority of their colleagues to support their agenda.
You helped us keep discrimination out of the Constitution before
-- now we need your help again to stop the FMA in the House.
http://www.hrcactioncenter.org/campaign/fma_postcards_houseHere's what you can do:
Write your Representative to let them know you strongly oppose
the FMA. Tell your Representative that discrimination has no
place in the Constitution. Click here to send your message now:
http://www.hrcactioncenter.org/campaign/fma_postcards_house2. OVERWHELM THE HOUSE SWITCHBOARD WITH CALLS
Call 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your
Representative's office. Tell your Representative you strongly
oppose the FMA. A sample script is below:
http://www.hrcactioncenter.org/campaign/fma_postcards_house:: I am calling to urge you to vote no on the Federal Marriage
:: Throughout American history, the Constitution has been
amended to expand and protect the rights and liberties of the
American people - it should not be used to single out some
Americans for discrimination.
:: The Federal Marriage Amendment would single out gay and
lesbian Americans for separate and unequal treatment in the U.S.
Constitution, the very document that is supposed to guarantee
Americans' equality.
:: Do not write discrimination into the Constitution; vote NO on
the Federal Marriage Amendment.
Thank you again for your unwavering support. We'll keep you
updated as the vote is handed down.
Joe Solmonese
(c) 2006 The Human Rights Campaign. All rights reserved.
Human Rights Campaign |
http://www.hrc.org1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-3278
Phone: 202/628-4160 TTY: 202/216-1572 Fax: 202/347-5323