At 2:15 PM today, President Bush vetoed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act. By doing so, the President dashed the hopes of millions of Americans suffering from diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, cancer and diabetes. it's up to us to continue this critical battle. Right now, please ask your Representative to override President Bush's veto. Click here to send a fax - at no cost to you - to your representative right now.
The President will claim that his veto today is about values. But you and I know that his veto has nothing to do with the values of the majority of Americans.
Today, the President had a choice: stand with 72% of Americans, a bi-partisan majority in both chambers of Congress, our nation's leading scientists, and the millions of Americans suffering from afflictions that stem cell research could help treat or even cure, or bow to the religious right and their dangerous agenda.
Today, he chose the religious right.
You have done so much to get us here. This is our final chance, take action now, and then spread the word.
Thank you for all you have done.
Jessica, Clark and the rest of the DefCon Team
P.S. Read a special message from Rep. Diana Degette, co-sponsor of H.R. 810, and voice your opinion at on the DefCon Blog here.