I'm starting to work with three Democratic congressional campaigns in Connecticut (Courtney, Farrell and Murphy) to organize trips of New Yorkers to campaign in those districts, similar to what so many groups did for Pennsylvania and Ohio in the 2004 Presidential elections. With only 15 seats needed to flip the House and significantly slow the Bush Agenda, AND two seats in CT ranked in the top ten prospects for a Dem takeover (and the third in the top 30), it just seems like a no brainer. While campaigning for the respective House candidates, we'd also be campaigning for Lamont, the progressive antidote to the evil that is Joe Lieberman.
If you're in the NYC area and would be interested in either coordinating this effort or just coming along on some trips to CT, please email me ASAP and let me know. If we harness the power of NYC progressives, we CAN flip these three seats.
Best, Sam