Here is a map of the area, with the Country Club entrance (kind of) marked.,-95.677068&sspn=23.875000,57.630033&cid=37062500,-95677068,11213432723785627762&li=lmd&z=14&t=mI have not heard of
any organized protests or demonstrations of this so far. I doubt that the authorities would allow anything at the Country Club entrance itself - but who knows. The closest cross-street with the most traffic and visibility is Serrano Pkwy and El Dorado Hills Blvd, which is more than a mile from the Club. I don't have any info at all on how * will be arriving - there are 3 main ways to get there that I know of. The intersection named above, from Bass Lake Road, and via either end of Silva Valley Pkwy. I believe there is a back way as well, but only from looking at the map. The pointer is not quite accurate - if you switch to the satellite view and zoom in you can pick out the Country Club itself. And of course his majesty could be coming in by copter as well.
I'm still working on getting the time off for this myself, but if I know that others will be there, it will be a lot more motivation for me! :D
Again, if you do come, please keep the challenger Charlie Brown out of it. He's definitely the best shot we've got of getting that 8 term parasite Doolittle out of office that we've seen in years, and I'm willing to abide by his wishes on this.
Thanks for the response!!!