Ignore this shit and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
Make more calls, knock on more doors, donate another $25 to your favorite rep or Senator who is tied or slightly down, put up another yard sign, stick on another bumper sticker, sign another petition online, write one more letter to the editor, call one more talk show, write one more Congressman telling them of your disgust in their performance, show up to one more rally, buy one less thing from Wal-Mart, buy one more book that tells the truth (Such as Woodward's book...just picked up last night.)
Fucking fight harder and longer now then ever before. I spent three hours yesterday calling some of the national Christian talk shows. (Yeah, you have to listen for a few minutes before you get on the air.) I posed as a Republican true believer. Once on I was very courteous and low key. I simply said I was a Christian (which I am) and that I was thoroughly disgusted by the Republican leadership. How everyone should be tremendously embarrassed by our leaders and how I will not be voting for one of them this year. If I can get one of those fundy listeners to throw in the towel and stay home on election day it was worth my time calling.
You can do the same. Forget the national shows like Rush and Hannity. You'll never get on. Call your local talk show hosts and tell them how you feel.