(Disclaimer: I know this post is me writing about helping me. Skinner said it was ok to post it)
I host a podcast called Blast The Right. My slogan is, facts + logic to kick right-wing butt. It has over 2500 subscribers.
I know I don't have a "radio voice," so I must be doing something right (or should I say, correct). It's the most listened to grass roots progressive podcast.
I used to do a lot of street organizing. I organized civil disobediences against Reagan's contra aid policy, and later against the first Gulf War. But since then, a medical breathing problem has kept me increasingly confined indoors. At present, I'm stuck in my home almost 24/7.
So I desperately wanted to continue my activism. Happily, the podcast gives me that opportunity. It reaches an ever-growing audience of people looking for podcasts, who often have never been exposed to true progressive advocacy. Listeners are constantly telling me they're learning new things, and besting right-wingers in debates. I've even converted a Republican or two.
So I realize now that having a progressive political podcast readily visible in the podcast universe is an important element of progressive advocacy.
Podcast Alley is the premier site for podcasting. On its home page it puts a Top Ten, as voted by listeners. Last month I broke into the Top Ten and ended as #7.
Such exposure on the home page gave Blast The Right much publicity and added hundreds of new listeners.
This month the competition is fiercer, and I'm currently at #10, hanging on by the skin of my teeth.
Near the top is Free Talk Live, a libertarian (economically radically right-wing ) show.
I want a progressive podcast in the Top Ten (and of course, I'm very happy that I'm the most likely one to get there at this point).
So, all this being said, I'm writing to ask all interested DU'ers to check out my podcast, and if you deem it worthy, please vote for Blast The Right at Podcast Alley.
Here's the link to the podcast home page. You can also subscribe for free there:
http://www.therationalradical.com/podcast.html In case you're familiar with the podcast, and haven't voted this month (voting starts anew every month), here's a one-click link to vote:
http://www.podcastalley.com/one_vote2.php?pod_id=8761 Thanks for taking the time to read all this!
(PS: Jack Clark is just the pen name I use on the podcast. Why a pen name? That's a whole 'nother story...)