A Call For Volunteers To Maintain VOTE FRAUD INTELLIGENCE THREADS.....
Alastair Thompson from the Election Reform forum (& editor of Scoop.co.nz) here. This post is also crossposted in the election reform forum but we need more activists than we presently have to complete this task.
WHAT WE NEEDWith a few days to the election there is an urgent need to compile some intelligence around the contested races which are most likely to be subject to vote fraud, vote suppression and general shenanigans. If indeed the Democrats take this election by storm then that is great and wonderful. But if the HoR and Senate remain in GOP control by the skin of their teeth we need to know where and how this EVER SO IMPORTANT race has been lost.
I am therefore calling for volunteers to maintain VOTE FRAUD INTELLIGENCE THREADS for key races.
Multiple volunteers for each thread would be great to share the load and maximise the intelligence.
To clarify what is required the activism I am looking for here involves keeping your eyes open, reading the paper, looking around the internet, thinking skeptically and posting stuff on DU, i.e. what you are probably planning on doing anyway.
STEP ONE.... PICK A RACEIdeally pick a race that you know something about. The races we need to watch have been identified in this research project compiled by DUer Autorank.
Autorank/TIA: Election Fraud 2006 – Quantifying Risk - Where & How Much
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=364&topic_id=2474379&mesg_id=2474379Contestable HoR Races
Contestable Senate Races
STEP TWO.... START A THREADLaunch a thread for your race in the election reform forum.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topics&forum=203Start off with some background info on your race and introduce yourself.
STEP THREE.... MAINTAIN YOUR THREADThis is not rocket science.
Please just report blow by blow what is happening from today through to the election in your race. Observations and links.
We need to know how the polls are moving in your race and why.
We need to know if efforts are underway on vote suppression.
We are looking in particular for post election explanations which will be given for a departure from poll results in your race come election day.
We need people with their eyes open looking for patterns in how the PR - Spin - war is being waged.
We need to know how effective the GOP GOTV effort really is in your district.
We need to know how much advertising is being conducted in your race and what the messages are.
It matters not a jot what sort of voting equipment is used in your race. Assume all voting equipment and tabulation systems can be compromised.