I'm a frequent poster to
The Resistance(actually, I'm the most frequent poster to that group) and we've got a very responsive moderator who deals quickly with disruptors. Average traffic is about ten messages per day.
The Resistancehttp://www.upoc.com/group.jsp?group=resistancehandle: resistance
#members: 90
type: private
allows pics, allows polls, allows voice
mms to: resistance@upoc.com who can send msgs: All
who can invite: All
SMS reply goes to sender
founder: SichuanStyle
since: Jan 08, 2001
description: Resistance helps progressive activists stay in touch at protests, and keep in touch between them!
http://www.indymedia.orghttp://www.upoc.com/group.jsp?group=resistanceAnother good group is USA Terror Alert. Average message traffic is one or two messages per day. There are a few Freeper idiots on the list, so you may want to add a few to your BLOCK list eventually.
USA Terror Alert
http://www.upoc.com/group.jsp?group=usaterrorhandle: usaterror
#members: 300
type: private
allows pics, no polls, no voice
mms to: usaterror@upoc.com who can send msgs: All
who can invite: All
SMS reply goes to sender
founder: foolmaker
since: Oct 17, 2001
description: This group is for posting/receiving alerts about breaking news and activities related to terrorist attacks in the USA. NO CHAT, JUST VITAL ALERTS. VIOLATORS WILL BE BOOTED.
http://www.upoc.com/group.jsp?group=usaterrorI'm going to give a guarded endorsement of the
Fascism File group. The group messages are sent by Moderator-only. The Mod is a good guy, but he's not always very careful about verifying the information he shares. The 9/11 Konspiracy Korner crowd will love this group. You might want to join this group if your cellular plan doesn't charge you extra for receiving test messages. Average traffic is about ten messages per day.
Fascism File
http://www.upoc.com/group.jsp?group=fascism_filehandle: fascism_file
#members: 281
type: public
allows pics, allows polls, allows voice
mms to: fascism_file@upoc.com who can send msgs: MCLamb
who can invite: All
SMS reply goes to sender
founder: MCLamb
since: Apr 12, 2003
description: Free text-information service tracking the daily disinformation and slippery slope to fascism. No chat here, this is a pure text news headline service for rapid awareness of the lies and actions going down. We monitor the best of the domestic and international press to deliver those critical tidbits of news that you won't get from Fox. Most sources identified or available for reference. Fwd to other groups for chat and invite to help grow the audience for this vital info.
http://www.buzzflash.comhttp://www.upoc.com/group.jsp?group=fascism_fileAlso, sign-up for The
People for The American Way Political Action Alerts.I've never actually gotten a message from them yet, but it's a good idea to join, just in case they need us to spring into action.
http://www.upoc.com/channel.jsp?channelHandle=PFAWMIRFor the more adventurous (or for masochists) you can join "Debate The Fundies."
Debate The Fundies
http://www.upoc.com/group.jsp?group=fundiedebatehandle: fundiedebate
#members: 13
type: public
no pics, allows polls, no voice who can send msgs: All
who can invite: All
SMS reply goes to group
founder: IANDB1
since: Aug 30, 2005
description: This is a group for people who want to debate Fundamentalists. You can't teach a pig to sing. It only wastes your time and annoys the pig. We are in a war to save our planet from a global armageddon intentionally triggered by Christian Fundamentalists who think they need to kill us all so Jesus will rapture them. I'm just another godless atheist in search of world peace and harmony. Atheists are more "Christian" than anyone I know. See "The Affirmations of Secular Humanism": tinyurl.com/e4ys7
Send JOIN FUNDIEDEBATE to the number below.
Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Boomerang: 8762
Cingular Wireless: 8762
T-Mobile: 8762