From: The Ruckus Society <>
Date: Nov 1, 2006
Subject: ShoutOut! - Defend the Vote

Defend the Vote!
We probably don't need to remind you that November 7th, Election Day, is looming larger and larger. You may have also noticed that our electoral system hasn't smelled so good for the past couple of elections - something is rotten in America. At The Ruckus Society, we don't sit around and complain about the stench.
On this coming election day (and others to follow), we will be working with our allies to coordinate the efforts of thousands of Americans committed to Election Protection. Combining our direct action expertise with our Cell Phone/Text Message Technology know-how, we invite you to join the Ruckus Rapid Response Team:
If you carry a cell phone, are committed to representative democracy, and you have some free time on November 7th, then you should join this team. If anyone tries to resuscitate Jim Crow in say Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, or any other state for that matter, we'll provide real time information on when, where, and how you can be most useful.
We have partnered with Working Assets Mobile Response Team so they can text you on election day IF (and ONLY if) you are needed to ensure a fair and safe election!
Our friends at The League of Young Voters, Music for America, Video the Vote, Velvet Revolution, Hip Hop Congress, Hip-Hop Caucus, PunkVoter, National Healthcare-NOW, the National Hip-Hop Political Convention are going to help us spread the word and find folks to join local teams. Will you join?
And speaking of help, each text message to each individual cell phone costs money. So donate to this worthy cause right now!
AND no voyeurs on our Ruckus Rapid Response Team. Don't go signing up unless you are committed to nonviolent strategic action in defense of our democracy!! and love,
~The Ruckus Society