There's a bogus "Voter Information Guide for Democrats" that many of our supporters have been getting in the mail. Maybe you and your friends have too.
Don't be fooled. This mailer has nothing to do with the Democratic Party.
It's a sleazy, underhanded trick paid for by big oil and big tobacco.
Proposition 87 is on the verge of winning on Tuesday. The oil companies are now so worried that they're spending $100 million to stop us. ABC news has calls their TV ads "misleading" and "not accurate."* And now they're stooping to new lows, trying to deceive voters about who supports Prop. 87.
The fact is, the Democratic Party, every major Democratic leader in the state, and the most prominent Democrats nationally including President Clinton, Vice President Gore and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright all strongly support Prop. 87. As President Clinton said, "there is nothing more important" than Prop. 87.
We're taking out ads today in newspapers around the state, to warn voters about the oil companies' No on 87 campaign's dirty tricks. You can see our ad in today's Contra Costa Times, San Francisco Examiner, Sacramento Bee, LA Daily News or at: help us stop the oil companies from buying this election by passing this along to your friends.
Thank you.
- Tony
Tony Rubenstein
Founder and Chairman
Yes on 87
Thursday, November 2, 2006