We cannot afford to support you any more. You are a criminal, a thief, and a liar. Resign now please. ....
You and your cabinet have consistently demonstrated a disdain for truth, for law, and compassion in any form. You encourage Americans to "support the troops" while you cut their benefits....
This is not fooling anyone: your jaw-clenching, blinking, sniffling, and frequent inappropriate smirking laughter are dead giveaways that only these prescribed mental restraints are keeping you from behaving in public as violently and erratically as you have been reported to have behaved in private meetings. Like when you shouted "Stop throwing the goddam Constitution in my face! It's just a goddam piece of paper!" Remember that one?
So do resign as soon as possible. We really can't affor you any more. You can always say you'd like to "spend more time with your family."
Oh, and please, please, please: take Dick, Condi, Rummy, Wolfie, and Karl with you. Don't let the door hit your behinds on your way out.
just for fun thought I'd add;
for crimes against our democracy, constitution and war crimes. must see video 2 American heros BRAD Firedman of