Election Defense Alliance is on the cutting edge of netroots organizing to fight electronic voting machine fraud.
They will be auditing the "official" election results on Election Night - but they need your help.
We ask every pollworker and monitor who will be working inside the polls when they close -- or will be outside if the totals are posted --
to please capture the precinct tallies for us. We need you to
copy the data and enter it into an online form as soon as possible so that those figures will be used in our real-time analysis of "official" outcomes.
What will they do with this data? Find fraud, report it to the media, and empower activists.
We will be using a series of mathematical and statistical computer models to run baseline data (historical election data, demographic and pre-election poll data) against precinct poll tape totals, independent exit poll data, official returns, and any other relevant data we can obtain, in order to flag suspect patterns and anomolous outcome. In real-time! And we will report any significant findings back to the public immediately via website feeds, press releases, and radio interviews.
We are hoping that by providing such rapid analysis, we may prevent some premature claims to victory or concessions. As well, the results we produce may influence citizen actions.
This fits in perfectly with the
Blue Revolution vigils outside county election offices. Start at the
Election Defense Alliance:
* Print copies of the
Form for machine results
* Take the printed forms to your polling place when the polls are closing, and write the results on the form (bring a pen and clipboard)
* Return home (or visit an internet cafe) to
enter the results from each printed form at
http://www.electiondefense.net * Join a
Blue Revolution vigil outside your county election office
Imagine: a simple, universal data collection form with fields for the most important races across the country, that citizens anywhere can fill in, enter into a webform, and have the data uploaded to a national collection website for real-time analysis all within an hour of closing of the polls!
This is a first-of-a-kind project with terribly exciting ramifications. We sincerely hope you will participate. It is but a simple addition to the important work you will already be contributing.
Please forward this request to all your friends and colleagues who also may be at the polls as they close.